Karolina Lukasiewicz, Ph.D.
Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Pasteura street 7, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland

E-mail: k.lukasiewic@uw.edu.pl


Since 2020 – Research Assistant Professor, The Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
2019 –2022 – Researcher and intern coordinator, Center for New Immigrant Education, New York
University, New York City, NY
Since 2017 – Lecturer, Silver School of Social Work, New York University, New York City, NY
2015–2019 – Postdoctoral Research Fellow, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, Silver
School of Social Work, New York University, United States
2019 – Visiting Scholar, Centre for East European and International Studies & BIM, Humboldt
University, Berlin
2012-2015 – Postdoctoral Researcher, The Centre for Evaluation and Analysis of Public Policies,
Jagiellonian University, Poland
2008-2013 – Lecturer, Jagiellonian University, Poland


  • Postdoctoral training, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, Silver School of
    Social Work, New York University, United States
  • Ph.D.in Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Center for Evaluation and Public Policy Analysis,
    Jagiellonian University
  • M.A.in Political Sociology, Dalarna University

  • Certificate of The Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques,
    The University of Michigan, The Survey Research Center
  • Certificate of the Winter School in Methods and Techniques
    The University of Vienna, European Consortium for Political Research
  • Certificate of the Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research
    The University of Michigan, The Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research

  • Immigrant inclusion
  • Social welfare policy
  • Poverty

  • 08/21-2023 Principal Investigator
    Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
    Migrant integration governance in CEE cities post 2015 – MigIntegrEast
    Project Funded by the Horizon 2020
  • 08/20-2025 Principal Investigator
    Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
    Local welfare system response to migrant poverty. Between developing innovations and
    rising inequalities.
    Project Funded by the National Science Centre
  • 07/16-2019 Principle Investigator and Research Coordinator
    New York University
    Integration Programs and outcomes for refugees in the NYC area
    Project Funded by the American Association of University Women
  • 02/14-12/17 Qualitative Investigator
    New York University
    Coping with Struggles in New York City
    Project Funded by the Institute of Human Development and Social Change
    New York University
  • 05/15- present Principle Investigator and Research Coordinator
    American Dream in Greenpoint. Low-income Aging Immigrants in New York City
    Project Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland
  • 07/12-05/15 Research Coordinator, Mixed Method Investigator,
    Jagiellonian University
    SPIN-Model of innovation transfer, Component: Social network analysis
    Project Funded by the European Social Fund
  • 06/12-06/14 Principal Investigator
    Jagiellonian University
    Integration policies for refugees in Europe
    Project Funded by the European Social Fund
  • 10/11-12/12 Research Coordinator, Lead Mixed Method Investigator,
    Jagiellonian University
    Equal Treatment as a Standard of Good Governance
    Project Funded by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland to develop
    national anti-discrimination strategy
  • 05/11-05/12 Mixed Method Investigator, Financial Coordinator
    Jagiellonian University
    Human Capital Balance
    Project Funded by the European Social Fund
  • 09/08-09/11 Principal Qualitative Investigator and Research Coordinator
    Jagiellonian University
    Adaptive strategies of Chechen refugees
    Project Funded by the Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University
  • 01/08-10/08 Research Assistant
    Foundation In Support for Local Democracy
    ABC of Evaluation. Professionalization of Local Government and Administration
    Project Funded by the European Social Fund
  • 12/07-10/08 Qualitative Investigator
    Jagiellonian University
    Chechens in the European Union
    Project Funded by The Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior
  • 07/07-07/08 Research Assistant
    Jagiellonian University
    Social Diagnosis. Conditions and Quality of Life of Polish Society
    Project Funded by the European Social Fund
  • 2003-2006 Research Assistant
    CEM Market & Public Opinion Research Institute

  • Since 2017 Instructor, Social Welfare Programs & Policies, graduate course level, New York University,
    Silver School of Social Work
  • 2018–2020 Instructor, Social Welfare Programs & Policies II, graduate course level, Fordham University,
    Graduate School of Social Service
  • 2017 Invited Lecturer, Immigration policies, undergraduate course, New York University, Silver
    School of Social Work,
  • 2017 Invited Lecturer, New York University, Silver School of Social Work,
    Immigration and Activism in NYC
  • 2016 Invited Lecturer, Brooklyn Public Library
    Global Refugee Crisis
  • 2016 Invited Lecturer, Polish Institute of Art and Sciences of America
    The American Dream of low-income immigrants in Brooklyn
  • 2016 Invited Lecturer, New York University
    Immigration and Poverty
  • 2013-2015 Instructor, Jagiellonian University
    Research design, graduate course level
  • 2012-2013 Instructor, Jagiellonian University
    Qualitative social research, undergraduate course level
  • 2010-2011 Instructor, Jagiellonian University
    Analysis of qualitative data, undergraduate course level
  • 2010-2011 Instructor, Jagiellonian University
    Integration of immigrants, graduate course level
  • 2010-2011 Teaching Assistant, Jagiellonian University
    Introduction to sociology, undergraduate course level
  • 2009-2011 Instructor, Jagiellonian University
    Methods and techniques of social research, graduate course level
  • 2008-2013 Instructor, Jagiellonian University
    Introduction to social anthropology, undergraduate course level
  • 2008-2011 Teaching Assistant, Jagiellonian University
    History of sociology, undergraduate course level

  • 2021 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, European Commission, Horizon 2020
    Migrant integration governance in CEE cities post 2015
  • 2018 DAAD Fellowship
    Refugee integration on the ground. Local-level refugee integration policies in
    New York and Berlin
  • 07/16-06/18 International Fellowship
  • American Association of University Women at New York University and Graduate Center
  • 08/15 Global Social Science Fellowship
    Sustainable urbanization, the World Social Science Forum (WSS Forum), University of Kwa
    Zulu Natal, the Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE), Durban, South Africa
  • 02/14 Visiting Scholar Fellowship
    Jagiellonian University Fellowship was awarded to conduct research at New York University,
  • 06/13-08/13 International Fellowship
    Jagiellonian University, The Society, Environment, Technology Foreign Fellowship awarded
    to finance participation in The Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques at the
    University of Michigan, USA
  • 07/12-09/12 International Fellowship
    Jagiellonian University, The Society, Environment, Technology Foreign Fellowship awarded to
    finance participation in the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research
    at the University of Michigan, USA
  • 06/12-06/14 Research Fellowship
    Jagiellonian University, The Society, Environment, Technology Fellowship, Poland
    2009 European Sociological Association (ESA) Fellowship
    ESA Fellowship awarded to finance participation in the Laboratory for Ph.D. students at the
    University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • 2009 Research Fellowship
    Jagiellonian University Fellowship was awarded to conduct library research at the University
    of Vienna, Austria.
  • 2008 United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Fellowship
    UNDP Fellowship awarded to participate in the Youth Innovation Competition in Global
    Governance: Growth and Innovation 2020 at the Rome Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy
  • 2007 International Sociological Association (ISA) Fellowship
    ISA Fellowship awarded to finance participation in the International Laboratory for Ph.D.
    Students in Sociology, Globalization, Social Problems, and Social Policy at the University of
    Maiduguri, Nigeria

  • Since 2022 Coordinator of the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Migration Policies
  • Since 2018 Member of the Community Collaborative Committee at the NYU Centre for New Immigrant
  • 01/17-2018 Coordinator of Immigration and Criminal Justice Group in Silver
    Strategy and Tactics of Action, New York University
  • Since 2016 Volunteer employment trainer
    Refugee Resettlement Office, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York
  • Since 2015 Member of the Editorial Board and Manuscript Reviewer,
    Migration Studies-Review of the Polish Diaspora
  • 08/2017-08/18 Evaluation consultant at The Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center, English Speaking Union,
    New York
  • 06/17, 10/17 Facilitator of training Why do words matter? Creating an anti-oppressive vocabulary for
    writing practice, McSilver Institute of Poverty Policy and Research, New York University
  • 10/16-11/16 Volunteer case manager
    Refugee and Immigrant Office, Church World Service, Jersey City, New Jersey
  • 2014-2015 Manuscript Reviewer on forced female migrants as victims of violence
    The Association for Legal Intervention
  • 2012-2014 Volunteer Evaluation consultant
    Antidiscrimination Network
    Project Funded by Batory Fundation
  • 2010-2011 Director of Post Graduate Studies for the Cultural Mentors
    Jagiellonian University
  • 2007-2011 Representative of Ph.D. students in the Executive Board of the Institute of Sociology,
    Jagiellonian University
  • 2009-2010 Volunteer case manager assisting refugees
    The Rescue Foundation, Poland
  • 2008-2009 Volunteer trainer for forced migrant women
    The Association for Crisis Intervention, Project: “In Behalf of Us”
  • 2007 – 2008 Manuscript Reviewer
    The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations

  • 2016-present International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion in Europe
  • 2009-2020 European Sociological Association (ESA)
  • 2007-present Polish Sociological Association (PTS)
  • 2017-2019 American Association of University Women (AAUW)
  • 2017-2019 Graduate Women-USA (WG-USA)
  • 2017-2019 Influencing Social Policy (ISP)
  • 2017-2018 American Association of Geographers (AAG)
  • 2017-2020 American Sociological Association (ASA)
  • 2016-2020 Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (PIASA)
  • 2015-2020 International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)
  • 2014-2020 Eastern Sociological Society (ESS)
  • 2008-2011 International Sociological Association (ISA)


    A. In preparation
  • Lukasiewicz K., Cichocka E., Matuszczyk K., A missed opportunity. Local welfare systems’ responses
    to marginalized migrants’ needs following COVID-19 crisis in Stockholm, Berlin, London and NYC

    B. Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
  • Łukasiewicz (2022) History of the Global Response to Forcibly Displaced Persons, Essential Clinical Social
    Work Ser., Nancy J. Murakami and Mashura Akilova (Eds): Integrative Social Work Practice with Refugees,
    Asylum Seekers, and Other Forcibly Displaced Persons, 978-3-031-12599-7, 496333_1_En, (Chapter 2)
  • Lukasiewicz, K., Oren T. & Tripathi S (2021). Local welfare system response to refugees: between
    innovations, efficiency, and creating unequal opportunities, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
    DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1905506
  • Lukasiewicz K., Sensoy Bahar O., Ali S., Gopalan P., Parker G., Hawkins R., McKay M., Walker R.
    (2019) „Getting by in New York City. Bonding, bridging and linking capital in poverty-impacted
    neighborhoods”, City&Community, https://doi.org/10.1111/cico.12373
  • Lukasiewicz K., Dzurak E., Pawlaczek K., Barry, I, Maliga E., (2018) “Getting by or making it? Polish
    immigrants aging in an ethnic enclave of Greenpoint”, Polish American Studies.
  • K.Lukasiewicz, W.Klaus (2018) „Migracje uchodźcze”, In: 25 wykładów o migracjach, Wydawnictwo
    Naukowe Scholar, p. 352-365
  • Ali, S., Sensoy Bahar, O., Gopalan, P., Lukasiewicz, K., McKay, M., Parker, G., Walker, R. (2018)
    “’Feeling less than a second class citizen’: Examining the emotional consequences of poverty in New
    York City”, Journal of Family Issues. 0192513X18760348.
  • Łukasiewicz K. (2017) “Refugee integration: Global Challenges and Responses to the Integration
    Process”, Migration Studies-Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 165, Issue 3, pp. 5–10.
  • Łukasiewicz K. (2017), “Refugee Protection in the United States and Poland. Comparative Perspective
    on Policy Shaping and Delivery”, Migration Studies-Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 165, Issue 3, pp.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2017) „Exile to poverty. Exploring the relation between migration, social policies, and
    the integration of refugees”, International Migration, Vol. 55, Issue 6, pp. 56-72.
  • Szklarczyk, D., Krupnik, S., Strycharz, J., Antosz, P., Drożdżak, Z., Łukasiewicz, K., & Szczucka, A.
    (2016). Configurational Analysis in the Evaluation of Complex Public Programs: Application in the
    Area of Knowledge Transfer. Complexity in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Research.
    Springer International Publishing, pp. 371-395.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Grzymała-Moszczynska J. (2014) “Discriminatory migration policy? An access to
    education system for migrant children in Poland.” Migration Studies-Review of Polish Diaspora,
    Halina Grzymała-Moszczynska, Agnieszka Trąbka (eds.).
  • Lukasiewicz K., (2012) “Adaptation to poverty? A case of Chechen refugees in Poland”. Multicultural
    Education in Poland. New Challenges, Artur Paszko (ed.).
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2011) “Strategies of reconstructing Islam in exile. A case of Chechens in Poland.”
    Muslims in Poland and wider Central and Eastern Europe: adding to the discourse on Islam, Katarzyna
    Górak-Sosnowska (ed.), pp 89-108.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2011) “Polish integration. Adaptive strategies of Chechen refugees in Poland”
    (Integracja po polsku. Strategie adaptacyjne uchodźców czeczeńskich w Polsce), Migration Studies –
    Polish Diaspora Review, Sławomir Łodziński, Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska, (eds.), Volume 2, pp
  • Bordignon M., Corsi L., De Gasperis D., Liu B., Lukasiewicz K., Miccoli L., Qian Z., (2009)
    “Sustainable conservation of Cultural Heritage: A global responsibility.” Transition Studies Review,
    Volume 16, Issue 2, pp 379-387.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2008) “Chechen Transnational Networks on the Internet.” Chechens in the European
    Union, Österreichischer Integrationsfonds, pp 227-255.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Kopczyńska E., Tomanek K., (2007) “Who if Not the Refugees? Chechens Asylum
    Seekers and the Legislative Procedure in Poland.” The International Journal of Diversity in
    Organisations, Communities and Nations, 7, 6, pp161-166.

    C. Reviews of publications
  • Reviews of manuscripts published in a book: Safe home? Physical and symbolic violence against women
    forced migrants published by Association for Legal Intervention (2015).
  • Reviews of books published in: Migracje Kobiet. Perspektywa Wielowymiarowa (2008), Slany K. (ed.):
    Gmaj K., Iglicka K. (eds.) (2007) Integration Policies in the EU and the US, Fundacja Centrum
    Stosunków Międzynarodowych; Iglicka K. (ed.) (2007) Migration and Human Trafficking – Challenges
    for South Eastern Region, Fundacja Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych.

    D. Selected research reports
  • POLSKA SZKOŁA POMAGANIA Przyjęcie osób uchodźczych z Ukrainy w Polsce w 2022 roku (2022)
    Jarosz Sarian, Klaus Witold (eds.) Konsorcium Mgiracyjne, Osrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW,
    Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM.
  • Carta, Silvia, Helena Hahn, Tobias Heidland, Pawel Kaczmarczyk, Matthias Lücke, Karolina
    Łukasiewicz, Mehari Taddele Maru, Marta Pachocka, and Martin Ruhs. 2022 MEDAM assessment
    report on asylum and migration policies in Europe: refugee protection in the EU: building resilience to
    geopolitical conflict. Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 2022.
  • Antosz,P., Krupnik S., Lukasiewicz K., Szczucka A., Szklarczyk D., Górniak J. (2015) A Report from
    The Second Network Analysis survey conducted within a project SPIN.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Drożdżak Z., Krupnik S., Szczucka A., Szklarczyk D., Górniak J. (2013) A Report from
    The First Network Analysis survey conducted within a project SPIN.
  • Drożdżak Z., Krupnik S., Lukasiewicz K., Szczucka A., Szklarczyk D., Górniak J. (2013), SPIN: An
    Innovative Model of Transfer of Knowledge.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Antosz P., Burek M., Górniak J., Grzymala-Moszczynska J., Klaus W., Pawlus D. (eds.)
    (2012) Recommendations for the National Program of Activities for Equal Treatment.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Antosz P., Burek M. Górniak J., Grzymala-Moszczynska J., Klaus W., Pawlus D., (eds.)
    (2012) Diagnosis of the discrimination of persons on the grounds of: gender, ethnicity and religion,
    sexual orientation, disability and age.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Pawluś D. (2012) Report from the First Stage of Qualitative Study – expert interviews,
    conducted within a project “Equal Treatment as a Standard of Good Governance”.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Grzymala-Moszczynska H., Grzymala-Moszczynska J., Anczyk A. (2012) Report from
    the Desk Research of Discrimination on the ground of ethnicity and religion, conducted within a project
    “Equal Treatment as a Standard of Good Governance”.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2009) Problems of long-term unemployment, a state of art in selected socio-economic
    research. Małopolski labour market. A diagnosis of a situation in selected counties, Grzywa M.,
    Kwiatkowski J. (eds.).
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2009) Evaluation of policies in the European Union, the examples from selected
    countries. Grzywa M. (ed.) Evaluation of local administration in Malopolska region – prospects and
    directions for future development.
  • Górniak J., Jelonek M., Krupnik S., Lukasiewicz K., Worek B., Lifelong Education in the Opinions of
    inhabitants of Malopolska region – A report from the second Stage of Qualitative Research (2007)
    conducted within a project: „Małopolskie Partnership for Promotion of Lifelong Learning – The model
    of exchange of Information, tools and good practices for labor market, education and trainings.”

    Łukasiewicz K., Cichocka E., Matuszyczk K. (2022) Between migration mainstreaming and efficient
    poverty reduction. Local welfare system response to migrant poverty; IMISCOE 2022 Spring conference,
    Shifting rationalities in European Migration Policies?
  • Łukasiewicz K., Cichocka E., Matuszyczk K. (2022) Local welfare systems response to the needs of
    low-income Polish immigrants in Berlin, Stockholm, London, and New York City. Association for the
    Study of Nationalities (ASN), Annual World Convention, Columbia University.
  • Łukasiewicz K., Cichocka E., Matuszyczk K. (2022) Migrants’ experiences with the local welfare
    systems on the ground. A case of Berlin, Stockholm, London, and New York City; Annual IMISCOE
    2022 Conference, Oslo.
  • Łukasiewicz K., Cichocka E., Matuszyczk K. (2022) Local welfare responses to migrants’ needs during
    the COVID-19 in Stockholm, Berlin, London and New York City; 117 Annual Conference of the
    American Sociological Association (ASA), Bureaucracies of Displacement, 2022, Los Angeles
  • Łukasiewicz K., Cichocka E., Matuszyczk K. (2022) Lukasiewicz.K, (2019) Local responses to the
    shifting migration policy regimes. Lessons from NYC under the Trump administration. Transforming
    Mobility and Immobility: Brexit and Beyond, IMISCOE mid-conference, University of Sheffield, UK.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Oren T., Tripathi S. (2018) Making it in the Land of Opportunities. Labor market
    integration of highly-skilled refugees in New York City. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology,
    Toronto, Canada.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Oren T., Tripathu S. (2018) Local level responses to anti-refugee framing and shaping
    of federal policies. IASFM Annual Conference 2018: Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and
    Precarity Writ Large, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Barry I., Dzurak E., Pawlaczek M., Maliga E. (2018) Aging in an ethnic enclave.
    Greenpoint as a space of opportunities and barriers of older age Polish immigrants. 76th Annual Meeting
    of The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, the Harriman Institute, Columbia University in
    New York City.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Oren T. (2018) Making it New York City. Social policies and labor market integration
    of skilled refugees. Refugees and Immigrants in the City I (Sponsored by Urban Geography Specialty
    Group, Ethnic Geography Specialty Group), Annual Conference of American Association of
    Geographers, New Orleans, LO.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Nzomene Kahouo Foda, A., Refugee assistance on the ground. The case of social
    welfare policy for refugees operating in NYC area (2018) Society of Social Work and Research, Annual
    Conference, Washington DC.
  • Lukasiewicz K, Krase J. (2018) Greenpoint – the Transitions. Exploring the transformations of Polish
    ethnic enclave. American Historical Association, Washington DC.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Social policies for refugees; Beyond Borders: Turning Commitment into Action in a
    Global World, WG-USA 10th Annual General Meeting (2017), Milwaukee, WI, USA.
  • Bahar O., Ali S., Lukasiewicz K., Sensoy Gopalan P., McKay M., Parker G. (2017) Governmentality on
    the ground: Experiences of Individuals Living in Poverty in New York City, Policy Conference 2.0,
    Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, USA.
  • Barry I., Dzurak E., Lukasiewicz, K., Maliga E. (2017) (De)constructing American Dream in
    Greenpoint. Older immigrants getting by in an ethnic enclave; Paper presented at the Eastern
    Sociological Society 2017 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Grzymala-Moszczynska H. Refugee integration: global challenges and solutions to the
    integration process (2016) Panel organized at the International Association for the Study of Forced
    Migration (IASFM) 16 Annual Conference: Rethinking Forced Migration and Displacement: Theory,
    Policy, and Praxis, Poznan, Poland.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2016) Exile to Poverty. Exploring the Relationship between Migration, Social Policy
    and Integration of Refugees, 2016 Annual Conference of International Migration, Integration and Social
    Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE), Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Barry I., Dzurak E., Lukasiewicz, K., Maliga E. (2016) Making it in Greenpoint: American Dream of
    retired Polish immigrants, Annual Meeting of Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America,
    Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Sensoy Bahar O., Ali S., Gopalan P., McKay M., Parker G. (2016) Social capital and
    neighborhood effects in the context of NYC urban poverty; Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological
    Society 2016 Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
  • Ali, S., Sensoy Bahar, O., Gopalan, P., Lukasiewicz, K., McKay, M., Parker, G. (2015) Beyond the
    material dimensions of poverty: A holistic understanding of emotions, strategies, and survival. 20th
    Annual Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, USA.
  • Sensoy Bahar, O., Ali, S., Gopalan, P., Lukasiewicz, K., McKay, M., Parker, G. (2016) Getting More
    out of Less: Qualitative Insights into Agency Among Individuals Living in Poverty in New York City,
    20th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2015) Social capital in impoverished neighborhoods of NYC, Global Social Science
    seminar on sustainable urbanization, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2015) Migrants’ Transnationalism in the Context of New Immigrant Destinations. Paper
    presented at the Eastern Sociological Society 2015 Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2013) Between migration policies and ethnic based communities. Strategies to ensure
    social security among refugees, Paper presented at the XVI Conference of Polish Sociological
    Association, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Grzymala-Moszczynska J. (2013) Discrimination and state violence against children
    migrants in Polish detention centers, Paper presents at the international conference: Children migrants &
    Third Culture Kids. Roots and Routes, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Grzymala-Moszczynska J. (2013) Hunger strike as a tool to implement human rights
    based policy? Paper presented at the European Sociological Association Conference, University of
    Torino, Italy.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Grzymala-Moszczynska J. (2012) Integration of refugee families in Polish society,
    Paper presented at the International Conference on Migration Policies and family lives in transit,
    University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2011) (Un)committed research? The influence of a researcher on the process of data
    collection and analysis, Paper Presented at the Second Academic Feminist Congress, Jagiellonian
    University, Krakow, Poland.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2011) Adaptation to poverty – a case of Chechen refugees in Poland, Paper presented
    at the Conference: Multicultural education in the context of migration (Edukacja międzykulturowa w
    kontekście migracji docelowej), Villa Decjusza, Krakow, Poland.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2011) Strategies to Reconstruct Community In Exile, Paper presented at the European
    Sociological Association Conference, University of Geneve, Switzerland.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2010) Analysis of the adaptation process of Chechen refugees in Poland (Integracja po
    polsku. Analiza procesu przystosowania się uchodźców czeczeńsakich do życia w Polsce.), Paper
    Presented at the XVIth Conference of the Polish Sociological Association, Poland.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2010) Protracted refugees – Chechens integrated? On the adaptation process of
    Chechen refugees to Polish society, Virtual Chechen-ness? The rise of ethnic identity in cyberspace;
    Papers presented at the International Sociological Association World Congress, University of
    Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2010) Old problems new answers? Transnationalism and new assimilation theories,
    Paper presented at the International Conference: American Ethnicity, Jagiellonian University, Krakow,
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2009) The influence of modern technologies on the life strategies of Chechen refugees
    in the EU, Paper presented at the European Sociological Association Conference, University of Lisbon,
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2009) Chechen Transnational Networks on the Internet, Paper presented at the
    conference: Chechens in the EU, Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Austria.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2009) Virtual social networks. A methodological challenge of sociological research,
    Paper presented at the First International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, Sociological
    Research and Public Debate. Session: Unconventional Ways of Doing Research; University of
    Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Kopczynska E., Lukasiewicz, K., Tomanek K. (2007) Who if Not the Refugees? The Consequences of
    Legislative Procedure on Chechens Applying for the Status of a Refugee in Poland, Paper presented at
    the Seventh International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations,
    University of Amsterdam, Netherland.
  • Lukasiewicz K., Wójtowicz J. (2007) From Isolation to integration? A study of refugees’ adaptation
    process influenced by social policy in Sweden and Poland, Paper presented at the XVth Conference of
    the Polish Sociological Association, Uniwersytet Zielonogorski, Zielona Gora, Poland.
  • Lukasiewicz K. (2006) Between two worlds. A study of Sikh communities in Stockholm and London:
    adaptation, integration, and emergence of social identity, Paper presented at the international conference:
    Transnational identities – cities unbound – migrations redefined. Anthropology of migrations and urban
    space-related identities in the age of globalization, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.